Baby Equipment Loan Service & Toy Library, Footprints Day Nursery, North Road Wallsend.
The General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR came into effect on 25 May 2018. The new regulation supports your right to have your privacy respected and your data protected. It is designed to give you confidence that the personal information organisations hold about you is accurate, up to date and well managed and to give you easier access to that information if you wish to check or change it. This means that you will have more control over how your data is used. To reflect these changes and new obligations, we have updated our privacy policy which now tells you what we do with your personal data, how it is used and your rights as an individual under
the new law. The new privacy policy is available on our website
Privacy Policy
What information will we collect?
By becoming a Toy Library member or by hiring equipment from the Baby Equipment
Loan Service, we will ask for your:
– name
– postal address
– telephone number/s
– email address
– your preferences for how we communicate with you about our activities
We might need to collect other personal, sensitive information about you such as your gender, ethnicity, date of birth etc.
We keep a record of the emails we send you.
If you join our Facebook page, we may communicate with you via this method.
How will your information be used?
We will use your information to:
– contact you about the equipment or toys you have borrowed.
– contact you if there are any important changes to our services.
– send you quarterly Newsletters.
– invite you to events such as our Annual General Meeting.
– send you our Annual Report.
– occasionally undertake customer research to help us understand how we can
improve our services.
When can we use your information?
We collect and use your information in the following situations
– where our use of your information is necessary for us to perform the
service you require from the Baby Equipment Loan Service and Toy
Library (BELS & TL). For example, we may need to contact you to inform
you of changes to opening hours of the Project.
– where our use of your information is for the purposes of our legitimate
interests in running the BELS & TL in accordance with our governance
documents and the criteria of funding organisations who support us. For
example, we may need to contact you if toys or equipment are due for return
to the Project.
– where we have your consent to do so. For example, to take photographs of
yourself and/or your children to be used for our publications.
– for monitoring purposes to prove to our funders that we are reaching a broad cross section of the local community. When we collect this type of sensitive information (e.g. your gender, ethnicity) we anonymise it. We keep your name and address separate from the sensitive data so no one can link the data to you.
Where we rely on consent from you to use your information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.
The period for which we will keep your information.
We will keep your information for as long as is necessary for us to provide a service from the BELS & TL.
We will keep your records for three years after contact with the Project ceases. We will then shred your paper records and electronically destroy your computerised records. If, for some reason, we wish to keep your records longer we will do this at our discretion.
Your data is always stored securely. Access to ‘customer’ information is confidential and strictly controlled.
Who will we share your information with?
The personal data you provide will only be used for official BELS & TL business.
We do not disclose information to third parties, however we may need to disclose your details if required to the police, emergency services, regulatory bodies or legal advisors. This will only ever we done in accordance with the GDPR.
Your choices and rights
– You can access and update the contact details we hold about you by
contacting the BELS & TL.
– You can opt out of receiving Newsletter / Annual Reports via emails.
– You can request access to your information and have inaccurate data
– You can ask that we erase or restrict our use of your information. If we do this then we will be unable to provide you with all of our services
– As a data subject you have a right to request a copy of the information BELS & TL holds about you. This is known as ‘Subject Access Request’ (SAR). SARs should be made in writing, if possible, to the Data Controller at the address given below.
If you are concerned about how your information is used, please contact us at FAO Data Controller, Baby Equipment Loan Service & Toy Library, Footprints Day Nursery & Children’s Centre, North Road, Wallsend, NE28 8RH.
Alternatively, you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office
visiting their website at helpline: 03031231113 or email to
Who we are
We are the Baby Equipment Loan Service and Toy Library, a Registered Charity number 1196768. We are based at Footprints Day Nursery & Children’s Centre, North Road, Wallsend, NE28 8RH. Get in touch with Carol Dennison, the Data Controller in writing at the above address, telephone 0191 2635770 or email if you have any questions or concerns.
We protect your information – our Project depends on it.